News and shipping rates

New route from India to Moscow and Saint-Peterburg via Iran

Dear valued customers,

Cube logistics company presents you the new multimodal route from India to Moscow and Saint Petersburg via Iran.

International multimodal route

Ocean freight from India to Iran: Ports of India → Port Bandar Abbas, Iran

Railway freight through the territory of Iran: port of Bandar Abbas → Rasht station

Truck freight on the territory of Iran: station Rasht → station Astara exp.

Railway freight through the territory of Azerbaijan: station Astara exp. → p/p Yalama exp./Samur exp.

Railway freight through the territory of the Russian Federation: station Samur exp. – destination station in the Russian Federation


Valid till May, 30


If you require any further information, feel free to contact us: +7 914 662 47 75