News and shipping rates

Rail freight timetable from Vlasivostok and Ussuriysk

Dear valued customers,

Cube logistics company informs you about freight timetable for cagro trains from Primosrky region (Uglovaya station and Ussuriysk):


  • Ussuriysk – Moscow (Beliy Rast) - ETD May. 6
  • Uglovaya Station  – Moscow (Beliy Rast) – ETD May, 5
  • Uglovaya Station– Novosibirsk (Inya-Vostochnaya Station) – ETD May, 8
  • Uglovaya Station – Saint Petersburg (Zanewski Post) – ETD April, 30

If you require any further information, feel free to contact us: +7 914 662 47 75,